Locations in Pittsboro to View Bald Eagles

According to the Audubon Society, Jordan Lake is home to the largest population of bald eagles in NC with four active nests and 10-20 individuals.

Male bald eagle on the side of a road in Pittsboro.

A great place to visit to get more information about them is the Visitor Center at Jordan Lake State Recreation Area. They have a replica bald eagle nest and and other educational displays. 

If you want to view the bald eagles around Jordan Lake here are a few suggestions:

New Hope Overlook Trail

Jordan Lake Dam Tailrace Fishing Area

Jordan Lake isn't the only place to spot bald eagles around Pittsboro though. In fact, there is a spot right near downtown Pittsboro. One nest is right across the street from the Chatham County Agriculture and Conference Center.

Photo by Joy Hewett.

Photo by Joy Hewett.

Such a wonderful, natural place that we live. 

If you know of other sites to view eagles or have photos to share, email me and I'll get them posted here. 
